The different types of websites

The different types of websites

Today, being visible on the Net is essential. Whatever the sector of activity of your company is, do not forget that the website is an essential support to communicate as much information about your business and reach a targeted clientele. To decide which of the categories of Internet sites is the most appropriate for you on the web, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of your objectives, of your needs and to estimate your means in term of budget and time to devote, design and feed it regularly.

There are several categories of websites:

Showcase site

The showcase site allows a company to present its activities, products and services to Internet users. In general, the showcase site corresponds to the website of a company that does not sell online.

Institutional website

The institutional website presents the company by introducing the main brands and products. It shows the vision and values of the company, provides information on the activity, financial results and offers career opportunities. Like the showcase site, the institutional site doesn’t sell online.

Merchant site or E-commerce

A merchant site or e-commerce is as the name suggests, a site whose main activity is online commerce. This site proposes a catalog of products whose elements are presented in the search engines. It is generally equipped with a secure payment system.

Community website

A community site allows Internet users, who share a common interest to meet, by exchanging information, photos, videos ...

Intranet sites

The Internet site can’t be accessed outside a corporate network. It’s used to share essential data or business information only to authorized people.

So, whatever your choice among the different types of Internet sites is, do not forget that your site is a visual and informative identity of your company, that's why you must think about the good ergonomics, the good design and the rich and interesting content.

If you want to be accompanied in the creation and promotion of your website, do not hesitate to contact us.