The future of cyber security
For many businesses it's not always easy to detect a security breach. Indeed, if big companies have the budget to pay for a security specialist not every small business can do it. This can cause an important losses especially for small businesses. Also, in today world every computer, tablet or smartphone that is connected to internet can be at risk of a cyber attack. If the attack is made on a computer at your workplace this would mean that all the machines connected to the network are at risk. But how then the future of cyber security will be? Well one word can answer this it's the AI (Artifitial Intelegent).
For now, a lot of businesses have there main focus made on internal network. This means that if an attack is made on the business network it's just a matter of time before all the computer in the network are infected all the data is compromise. Right now, the most common protection against attacks are firewalls. Those tools can exist as software tools or a hardware that can be connected to a network. The main goal of a firewall is tracking connections that are or are not allowed on the network. Usually, all the settings are controlled by administrators of the business. Then, if the firewall has been taken down the next line of defense is the anti virus. This is used to take down all possible malware or other types of threats.
Now that you know how works the actual cyber security system, you probably ask yourself how can AI make it even better. Well the first thing is that all types of cyber security configurations require a human touch. In words, to be able to set up all the system someone from the IT department will have to manually do it. But, with the AI all this will be done manually. Not only this but the next generations of security software will have machine learning systems integrated in them. This means that all security software will automatically adapt to future threats and will automatically make there own updates.
But, even if those products already exist, they are still very expensive and are not necessarily accessible to small or medium businesses. Also, having a team of machine learning experts that will create a program can very costly this is why it's not necessarily the best option for businesses in the close future. Finally. even if using machine learning to create a security program in the near future is maybe not the best option, we can offer you products that are adapted to your business and your budget. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.